All manuscripts submitted to the journal are subject to double-blind peer review, which is defined as a process of review in which both authors and reviewers are anonymous. Peer review requires evaluation submitted to the journal of academic research by other academics in field. Reviewers are volunteers qualified in their fields and are invited to review specific article submissions. Author names, university affiliations, and contact information are removed from the blind review copy of the manuscript.
Manuscripts may be accepted, returned for specific revision, or rejected. Authors are notified of the decision. Revisions may be minor, major, or require significant revision with subsequent resubmission. Authors requiring revision of the manuscripts are given instructions and a timeframe. The resubmission is then evaluated by the editor and, if necessary, additional reviewers.
Authorship Definition
Authorship is defined as a material contribution to both the underlying research and the actual writing of the manuscript. Manuscripts should list as authors all such persons who meet these criteria.
As a condition of publication, the authors must grant the West East Institute the right to disseminate their manuscript to the widest possible readership in print and electronic format. Authors must also agree to our open access policy, which is to provide immediate open access to our journals on the principle that making research freely available to the public. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link the full text of the articles in this journal provided that appropriate credit is given.
Publication Ethics
Allegations of Misconduct
Editors and reviewers shall take appropriate and reasonable steps to ensure that plagiarism has not taken place and shall not encourage or knowingly support misconduct. All authors must certify that their work is original, properly cited, and validly conducted. Editors and reviewers who have reason to believe that that is a case of misconduct shall report same to the Editor-In-Chief.
Allegations regarding plagiarism, falsification or fabrication of data, or other forms of academic misconduct should be forwarded to the Editor-In-Chief. The editor will then investigate the allegations and determine whether further action is necessary and appropriate. The editor may consult the editorial board to obtain additional expert opinions and perspectives.
Complaints Process
Complaints by an author against the journal, and editor, or a reviewer may be submitted in writing to the Editor-In-Chief. The editor shall investigate the complaint and may consult the editorial board to determine whether further action is necessary and appropriate.
Conflicts of Interest
The West East Institute is committed to the highest standards of academic publishing ethics. WEI requires that all editors, authors, reviewers, and staff to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may potentially impact professional judgment regarding the editorial and/or peer review process of submitted manuscripts. For the purposes thereof, a conflict of interest is defined as an editor, author, or reviewer having a beneficial or personal relationship with a third party that may bias or compromise his or her academic or professional objectivity. Editors, reviewers, and authors are individually responsible for disclosing such potential conflicts of interest.