The WEI International Academic Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Finance(WEI-BEFM-Boston 2025)
(Harvard Faculty Club, Boston, USA)
July 22-24, 2025
Are You Interested in Presenting?
If you would like to present a paper at our 2025 WEI Boston International Academic Conference, please review these steps:
Further details are outlined below.
Online abstract submissions are accepted here and June 15, 2025
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Pellegrino Manfra, City University New York
Dr. Pellegrino Manfra, is a Professor of International Economics at City University New York. Dr. Manfra is the author of more than 350 publications and articles. Many articles have been published in academically recognized scholarly journals. Dr. Manfra has presented his research and scholarship in many well-known U.S and foreign universities, including MIT, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge, Sorbonne, Bocconi, La Sapienza, and others academic institutions. Dr. Manfra obtained his Ph.D. from Fordham University specializing in International Economics. In addition, he attended Iona University and Long Island University earning Masters Degrees. His major area of scholarship has been globalization and international investments. More specifically, his research has been concentrated on the integration of the European Union and the emergence of the Euro as a leading currency in the world economy. Dr. Manfra has made a considerable contribution in the literature and understanding the Euro in era of globalization. In addition, Dr. Manfra has been examining the Federal Reserve System and its monetary policy in the last decade.
Dr. Manfra will deliver a keynote presentation titled "Inflation Dynamics In The Post Covid 19 Era."
Style Guidelines
For abstract proposals, your submissions should include your name, institute affiliation, mailing address, and email address for all authors.
For full papers to appear in our conference proceedings, your manuscript should be saved as a Microsoft Word-compatible file. The text should be formatted for 8.5 x 11-inch paper, single-spaced at 10 points, with one-inch margins and left justified. Your submission should contain the following:
- Paper title
- Name, institute affiliation, mailing address, and email address for all authors
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Body of paper
- Tables, figures, etc., in their proper position in the paper (if applicable)
- Conclusion
- Brief biography of each author (one paragraph, no more than 100 words)
- References
There is no page limitation for abstract/full paper submissions.
If you can not attend our conference but still wish to have your paper presented, we offer an E-session for your convenience. Your paper will be presented electronically for viewing and discussion using Microsoft PowerPoint with narration (voice-over). More details on preparing this type of presentation can be found here>
However, you are still required to submit a proposal/abstract or full paper, and one author has to pay the registration fee. Your certificate will be e-mailed to you as a pdf, and your paper will also be published in the online conference proceedings.
Attending Only
You are also invited to attend the conference, even if you choose not to present a paper. Remember to select “attending only” when registering for the conference.
Submit Your Proposal/Abstract or Full Paper
Submit your proposal/abstract or full paper electronically via Online submissions.
Submission Deadline: Submit your abstract/full paper proposal by June 15, 2025
- The conference will run from July 22-24, 2025
- Early Payment Fee: $445 by 1 March 2025
- Regular Payment Fee: $595 after 1 March 2025
- Late Payment Fee: $695 after June 15, 2025
- Deadline for Final Submission: Submit your final paper(abstract/full paper) you would like included in the conference proceedings by August 31, 2025
- The proceedings will be published four weeks after the final paper submission deadline.
All accepted abstracts and full articles will be published in the proceedings entitled WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings, in electronic format (ISSN 2167-3179 USA).
Full-length manuscripts may be published in
-Journal of WEI Business and Economics(JWEIBE) (ISSN 2166-7918 USA) -West East Journal of Social Sciences(WEJSS) (ISSN 2168-7315 USA)The review process for the journals is slower and more demanding in its standards. Although both the proceedings and journals are refereed, research that meets the refereed standards for the conference and the proceedings may not meet the refereed standards for the journals.
Within a few days(3-4 days) of receiving your proposal/abstract or full paper, we will email you a notification of acceptance or rejection. If your paper is accepted, additional conference and registration-specific information will be included.
All accepted papers/abstracts are double-blind peer reviewed and will be published in our online conference proceedings.
Conference Registration
Please complete the conference registration form below. Attending only and non-presenting conference participants should also submit a registration form (one per participant).
- Register for our 2025 WEI Boston Academic Conference here >
Registration Fees
Fees for The WEI 2025 Boston Academic Conference are as follows:
- Early Payment: $445.00 (US$) per individual to attend the conference for payments on or before March 1, 2025.
- Regular Payment: $595.00 (US$) per individual to attend the conference for payments after March 1, 2025.
- Payment for Per One Additional Paper: $150.00 (US$) if presenting more than one paper at the conference.
The conference registration fee includes admission to the conference, an approximate 15-20-minute time slot to present one paper at the conference, a printed copy of the conference program, certificates, the proceedings online, and admission to all receptions, coffee breaks, etc. All attending conference participants must pay the registration fee and at least one author per paper must attend, unless the paper is being presented through an e-session.
The conference registration fee must be prepaid.
Our preferred payment method is online transactions. We use PayPal Merchant Services as our payment processor. They accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or PayPal account payments. Note: a PayPal account is not required for online credit card payments (though you are welcome to use one), nor are you required to create an account to complete the process.
Please click on the Pay Now button to securely enter your payment information. PayPal Merchant Services transactions are protected using modern encrypted SSL security measures.

- A full refund will be given for cancellations received before April 15, 2025. (Unless otherwise mentioned in your e-mail)
- A $100 administration fee is taken for cancellation
- No refund will be given for cancellations received after April 15, 2025.
Conference Venue
The location for our 2025 WEI Boston conference is the Harvard Faculty Club, 20 Quincy St, Cambridge, MA 02138, United States, Boston, USA.
Harvard Faculty Club
20 Quincy St,
For additional information about the Harvard Faculty Club (20 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, United States), Boston, USA.
We suggest taking a taxi or metro to arrive at the Airport in Boston.
Topics Covered
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Business Education
Business Ethics
Business Information Systems
Business Law
Business Teaching Methods
Diversity Management
Health Economics
Energy Economics
- Energy Policy
- Engineering
Human Resources
Information Systems
International Business
Public Relations for Business
International Energy Development & Usage
Management Theory
Strategic Management
Organizational Behavior
Service Science
Supply Chain Management
Conference Program&Schedule and Proceedings
Please see our 2025 Boston Conference Program-Draf here>
The West East Institute will try to accommodate you but cannot guarantee your preferred presentation dates and times.
The 2025 WEI Boston Conference Proceedings will be available on our website four weeks after the final paper submission deadline.
Your Presentation
Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive.
Each presentation room will have a laptop and projector for PowerPoint presentations.
Find answers to your most frequently asked questions FAQs
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
The West East Institute
929 South High St,
West Chester, PA 19382 USA
Note: “West East Institute LLC or any responsible parties is not affiliated with Harvard University nor is 2025 WEI Boston International Academic Conference a Harvard University program or activity.”